Scientific Education
Welcome to the 2nd Scientific Education International Conference on Business Economics (SEIC-BE) 2016

The conference on Business Economics and Information Technology will be held June 16, 2016. This major international conference will address a range of important themes with respect to all major business fields. The conference will include numerous papers and presentations by academics and researchers from around the globe. Conference participants are welcome to submit full papers, extended abstracts, or invited session proposals. Submitted paper will be fully refereed and published in electronic formats. Please refer to guide for authors.

All researchers in the Business Economics and Information Technology fields are invited to participate at the event!

Conference Scientific Education - ConferenceScientificEducation.Org

Three reasons why to apply

Cut costs

Now you have the opportunity to publish your paper on a web platform which will help you save money from travel costs!

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Save time

SEIC-BE will respect your business agenda and will offer you the chance to work from home!

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Same database indexing

If you publish your paper at our conference you will benefit from the same database indexing as our journal (JBEIT). Plus, not only will you benefit from the advantages presented above, but also your paper will be seen by a worldwide audience.

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Database listings where your scientific paper will be indexed: