Scientific Education

How the Virtual Conference Works

2nd Scientific Education International Conference on Business Economics (SEIC-BE) 2016 is a virtual conference that provides a digital space for authors and participants to submit present and discuss on scientific papers. The conference is not held on a physical location. It will take place on this website that acts as a conference hall.

On the date announced, the website will be changed into a list of papers that will appear gradually over the entire day at a certain interval. At any given time, the current paper will be the main element of the page to be presented. In a 20 minutes interval, the participants can interact with the presentation and can comment or ask questions to the author. If the author is live on the site he will answer in writing right then, else he can answer even when the paper is archived. In that way, any scientific paper can be discussed for a longer period of time and is not bound by the time allowed for Q&A like in traditional conferences.

Every scientific paper presented will have its own web page that will incorporate:
  • Author presentation with as many details as the author chooses to send to our editorial team: a picture of him, some information about him (present affiliation) and some details about his work (C.V.)
  • The abstract of the scientific paper (paper that has not been published before). A brows-able presentation format in PowerPoint style with or without video or audio attached (if the author chooses to send it to our editorial team)
  • The downloadable format (.pdf)
  • A Q&A and comments area.

On the scientific papers sections only registered users will have access (authors that paid for the participation at the conference).
In that archived state, the scientific papers will stay on the website indefinitely.